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45 Herbs For Smudging/Smoke Cleansing 🌱✨️

45 Herbs for Smudging Smoke Cleansing 🌱✨️

30 plus 15 additional unique herbs,wood, flowers and resin for smoke cleansings.

According to ancient ways and traditions, plants have sacred healing and

cleansing essence. Smudging-Smoke Cleansing is a vital way to complete

sacred work. It clears stuck and low vibration energies. These herbs have

some properties used for smudging. The herbs have been for centuries

seen in the Middle East, Far East, South American and North American

cultures. What are the sacred herbs for smudging? The list below is a

helpful guide for some of the known available Smudging/ Cleansing

Herbs. 101 basics guide by ilmypsychicjane-Get the full detailed Printable/ Downloadable here 45 HERBS FOR BURNING DOWNLOAD & PRINT 🍃

Smudging- Smoke Cleansing Herb List


Soothing, purification, consecration, relaxation, and peace.

Pine Wood:

Clear negative energy and restore tranquility and calm, Inspiring

creativity and bringing love and good fortune.


Enhance intuition, Roses are used for love rituals to attract love into

your life. It is also good to use to clear out any space of stagnant and

low energy.Can be mixed with other herbs for a scent change/boost.

Black Tea Leaves:

Can be added to burning herb mixes or added to smokeless sprays-

Burn OR Spray around the house for cleansing purposes or to bring

prosperity, peace, calm serenity. Southeastern Woodlands use the

black tea leaves drink in purification ceremonies. (Common tea)

Dried Orange:

Uplifting scent, Burn dried to attract happiness and abundance.

Orange is great in bath water to energize, add to smokeless cleansing

sprays to uplift, energy boost in a space,

Oranges can be used as a “sun” on an altar.

Blue Vervain:

Burn Blue Vervain to rid an area or person of negative energies and

may be combined with dill for this purpose, It may also be woven into

bridal wreaths or carried in bridal bouquets for luck during marriage.

Use in a smokeless spray mix/ burn to ward off energy vampires.

(Common tea)

Cedar Wood:

Burned in cleansing ceremonies for purification.

Keep a cedarwood wand above your door for protection.

Royal Sage:

It is believed that the scent of the Royal (while burning) is intolerable

to lower energies (lower frequencies, lower vibrations, negative

energies, bad energies.

Dragons Blood powder/ resin:

Cleanse a space before a smudging ritual, used for protection and to

intensify a cleansing ritual.


Use Jasmine tea leaves in a smokeless spray or burn for love,

sensuality and spiritual awakening, enhance intuition. (Common tea)

Oolong tea:

(can be used in simmer pots -see smokeless alternatives) This is a

perfect dried plant to use during meditation, oolong leaves are

commonly used for tea much like Jasmine and Black Tea leaves. Use

Oolong in a smokeless spray, burn for inspiring romance, deepening

friendship, calming, focus and deterring anxiety. (common tea)

Dalmatian sage:

This herb is very abundant and can be used in place of white sage in a

pinch- energy cleanse and energy reset.

Pine Resin:

Remove negative energy from a space or person or object, uplifting

scent, calming.

Benzoin Resin:

Provide focus and enhance concentration.

Patchouli Herb:

Patchouli is used for promoting love , self love wealth and passion.


Cypress is great for Grounding, purification and protection.


Aspen is known to be used traditionally for protection, used for the

crisp scent.


Rosemary is known to to be soothing and encourages a sense of peace

within your environment .Rosemary also removes negative energy from

places and spaces. Rosemary can be added with sage in sage bundles or

used as a white sage alternative along with the many variations of sage

which can be used in place of white sage.


Lemongrass is for purifying and cleansing, Lemongrass is also known to

have an amazing energising scent as well which is refreshing and

encourages Clarity and Focus.


The smoke from sage to use to cleanse, bless and heal, remove

negativity from an object or person being cleansed .Sage is unique

because of the many different types and scents .. From White Sage,

Common Sage to Desert Sage and for those who may dislike the scent

of White Sage, Desert and Loaded sage mixes are the best alternative

for the hints of woody and sweet scents which is for Cleansing, Balance,



Cinnamon is known for increasing energy, welcoming luck and

prosperity and motivation and it even aids in healing.

Blue Spruce:

Blue Spruce is rare, well, least commonly used for smudging cleansing

however, much like Cedar, Blue Spruce has a very welcoming scent

known to used for cleansing purposes for Serenity, grace and nobility.


Cedar is known to be used commonly for beginners, its also known to

be used commonly along with white sage. Cedar is a very slow burning

and perfect for full smudge rituals as well. Traditionally, Cedar has

been used simply for Renewal and Protection and grounding.


Eucalyptus isn't just used as a great decongestant during cold season

and known for muscle relief in bath products, Smudging with

eucalyptus is for protection, as well as being energising for cleansings.

Bay Leaves:

The aromatic Essential oil in bay leaves, while smudging is known to

work as a mood booster. The Bay leaf has multiple uses from Protection,

Healing and Calming to Success, victory.


The resin Myrrh is mentioned in religious context For Christians,

Muslims and Jewish context, This resin is known for enlightenment,

healing, and grounding. The Oil and Resin alike is known for having a

familiar earthy scent.


Lavender is known to help encourage a restful night's sleep as well as

peace of mind, relaxation and happiness. Lavender is a unique cleansing

tool, actually, when you burn lavender petals along with the stems, the

lavender scent is simply increased as it burns, It's a lovely scented

combination with Blue Or Desert sage.


Regardless if you would like a perfect winter blend incense or a good

winter blend cleansing mix, Peppermint is simply refreshing and


Pine sprigs:

Pine is an excellent herb for cleansing and protection. Like all

evergreens, Pine is associated with prosperity and good health. Pine

needles are traditionally used to bless a new home. In Druid lore, the

Pine tree stands for persistence, moderation, and self-confidence.

Desert Sage:

Desert sage, called the desert rose, is the favorable option to using

White Sage, This Sage Is great for burning through and through without

needing to be relit (as bundles) While, This Sage holds the same

cleansing properties as white sage, the scent is entirely different.

Desert sage is used to ward off bad feelings and influences.


Cats find catnip quite the therapeutic herb, however, for smudging

cleansings, it can be therapeutic for our use as well. Traditionally

speaking, Catnip was burned for love, beauty, and happiness within the

home or sacred space.


Clove used to drive away hostile, negative forces, for Psychics,this herb

is known as the Psychic enhancer. It is also used to produce spiritual

vibrations and to purify the area.


Dill is used for protection, luck traditionally during smudging.


The properties of dandelion correspond perfectly. It is also associated

with the elements of the air, Dandelion is used for divination and spirit

calling traditionally.

Palo Santo:

The name Palo Santo translates to "Holy wood" best when used for

deep healing and clearing energy. Its benefits include energy cleansing,

renewal Palo Santo has a citrus- like scent.


Ginger is a powerful protective ingredient that can be found almost in

every kitchen. The herb is used for protection,grounding and clarity.


Calendula is traditionally used for purification and ceremonial uses,

however, this flower goes well with general incense as well.


Because dried herbs are generally more potent and concentrated than

fresh herbs, just like sage and many other herbs, a little goes a long way.

Basil is the premiere culinary herb. It has a marvelous variety of

benefits which includes bringing about happiness, steadies the mind

and peace within your sacred space.


Chamomile is used in many organic Bath products and tea!, The oils are

best in Smudge Sprays along with other herbs for happiness and


White sage:

Named the best herb for protection and purification during smudging

White sage is known for its negative energy reset properties as well as

the traditional value, used by Native Americans for centuries for

clearing negative energies of spaces, people or objects.


Thyme is an excellent herb for removing obstacles,mind blocks ,

negative feelings and it works as a mood booster.


Lilac is added for scent as well a soothing, relaxing and grounding

flower to use for smoke cleansing/ smudging.


Allspice is used for attracting positive energy determination and being

an uplifting and welcoming scent.


Amaranth removes intuition blocks, helps aid in healing, Adds in

additional comfort to your sacred space.



At one time, frankincense was more valuable than gold, Also mentioned

in holy text, . The frankincense is used to cleanse, remove negative

energy and Its benefits when used for smudging include reducing

stress and easing tension .


Mugwort is sometimes called Black Sage however, Mugwort alone is not

a type of sage but combined its used for smudging, cleansing purposes

or as the mugwort plant is actually called Artemisia Vulgaris: the herb

brings clarity deepens intuitive abilities as well as removes the

unwanted energy.

The Abalone shell

While smudging its best to use a flame resistant bowl , The abalone

shell has been used for centuries for its durability and flame resistance

and this shell can be used with or without a stand to protect surfaces

from heat damage while smudging.

Mixing Sage With Other Herbs

Sage is the most commonly used method of cleansing/ smudging,

however you can mix your Sage with many other Herbs as well, which

simply adds the additional benefits to your normal smudging/

cleansing routine. There are many herbs for smudging. The essence of

these herbs goes beyond the obvious use of these plants and vibrates

deeper than its physical benefits and constituents. The pure nature of

plants has led to people loving them for their traditional/medical use in

smudging and cleansing.

10 “smudge/ Smoke cleanse” bundles -not loose herbs

Bundles are common to use for smudging/smoke cleansing.

below i’ve listed tips on how to dry and bundle sage and other herbs for

loose mixes and herb bundles/smoke wands. 10 must try herb

bundles/smoke wands.

1.White Sage

White Sage is the most commonly heard of type of cleansing bundle.

The smoke from sage to use to cleanse, bless and heal, remove

negativity from an object or person being cleansed .Named the best

herb for protection and purification during smudging, White sage is

known for its energy cleansing properties as well as the traditional

value, used by Native Americans for centuries for clearing negative

energies of spaces, people or objects.

2. Cedar

The smell of Cedar is woodsy and fresh and the scent increases as it

burns! It's known to be used commonly for beginners and experts alike!

Cedar is very slow burning and perfect for full smudge/cleanse rituals

as well. Traditionally, Cedar has also been used for Renewal and

Protection and grounding.

3. Desert Sage

Sage is unique because of the many different types and scents .. From

White Sage, Common Sage to Desert Sage.... For those who may dislike

the scent one type of sage, each type has its very own unique scent!

Desert sage has hints of woody and sweet scents which is used for

Balance and Strengthening. It is also used for cleansing, purifying,

protection, and inner strength. It is said to bring pleasant thoughts by

those who have used desert sage in cleansing rituals.This aromatic

shrub thrives in the windswept deserts of the Santa Fe/Taos area. It has

skinny, branched leaves and a light brown color.


Lavender is known to help encourage a restful night's sleep as well as

peace of mind, relaxation and happiness. Lavender is unique cleansing

tool, actually, when you burn lavender petals along with the stems, the

lavender scent is simply increased as it burns. Lavender Vs Lavender

Sage is a unique Topic because Lavender Sage is unrelated to the flower

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). However, it physically resembles

Lavender (especially when in bloom) and has a similar clean, flowery

fragrance.. However, lavender, the flower is also mixed with different

types of sage (like the photo above) Giving you both the cleansing

properties from one herb to the relaxing scent of lavender blended into

the mix.

5.Black Sage

Salvia mellifera (Black Sage) is a small, highly aromatic, evergreen shrub

of the genus Salvia native to California, and Baja California, Mexico.

Black Sage is used to Encourage dreams and visions and Cleanse and

purifying your space. This very unique scented herb is also used as an

odor remover! People tend to debate on what black sage actually is! A

true Black sage Sage, Salvia mellifera ( Black sage ) has long leaves that

are dark green on top and silver underneath. It is found in the

mountains of the West Coast from California north through British

Columbia. The plant can be difficult to identify because it resembles

other species.

6. Yerba Santa

Yerba Santa ("holy herb") is a sweet-smelling plant that grows in the arid hills

of the Southwest. It got its common name from Spanish monks who were

impressed with its healing properties. Yerba Santa is burned to honor

ancestors. Yerba Santa is called the Sacred Herb by the Cumash Indians. It’s

also known as Bear’s weed, Gum Bush, Consumptive weed and Mountain

Balm.One advantage of burning yerba Santa is that it can be used for a myriad

of purposes. It can be used for its healing properties as well as clearing

negative energy from your home and from your body too. Yerba Santa is the

supportive smudge you need to get over grief, or a broken heart. Its known to

shine a light on self-love, and self-care and uplift the mood.

7. Rosemary

Rosemary is an Old World herb with a long history of use in incenses

and it's used widely by Western practitioners.Rosemary is known to to

be soothing and encourages a sense of peace within your environment

this woody perennial is also used to clear negativity, inspires

confidence, and invigorates the mind and body.

8. Blue Sage

Blue Sage is a hardy bush found in the deserts of the Southwest. It’s named

for its abundant blue flowers, but the leaves also have a blue tint. Blue Sage is

widely used for cleansing and purification purposes. This type of "sage

bundle " is actually a type of mint! however this type of sage is a great

alternative scent wise to using white sage is it's known to be called "The

grandmother sage"Much like desert sage ,It’s not as pungent as White Sage,

and is more agreeable to some who find the strong, bracing scent of White

Sage overpowering . White sage is used for cleansing or "washing off" and

Blue Sage is for healing, cleansing and blessings.

9. Palo Santo

The holy reputation of Palo Santo dates back to the time of the Incas,

who used it in their ceremonies of healing and cleansing.Palo Santo

Comes from both Peru and Ecuador! This wood has a very unique mint,

citrus and hints of pine scent that's both soothing and relaxing.. This

wood has been named "holy wood" for it's uses in healing practices.

Palo Santo is used for Spiritual cleansings, positive energy and


10. Loaded Sage

Loaded bundles are a great way to mix and match your favorite herb

cleansing properties. From Sage to Juniper, to Sage with lavender, Loaded

bundles are entirely unique and entirely personal preference!

If you want to purify your home, there’s no better way than by

performing a simple cleansing ceremony!

Step 1: Gather the Required Items

Sage (or your other favorite cleansing herbs)

If you're using sage, you can either use the dried bundled version or

you can use loose sage or the smokeless alternative sage spray.

You can also make your own. Growing your own sage or cleansing

herbs is fun. Plus, you can set the intention of love and purification

each time you tend to it. A pot in a sunny kitchen window really well!

Once you have a healthy portion, tie it with string and hang it upside

down in a dark, dry place so that it can dry out. Once the sage is

completely dry, It’s ready to use!

Fire-Proof Dish or Bowl

(To hold under the sage)

Traditionally, an Abalone Shell is used, but if you don’t have one, you

can always use a small pottery bowl or some other item that you have

around the house. Don’t avoid doing a sage cleansing simply because

you don’t have the correct bowl. The most important thing is to set a

high vibration intention.

Step 2: Set Your Intention

Once you have the items assembled, set your intention for the

cleansing. What led you to believe the cleansing was needed? Set your

mind on thoughts of cleasning, raising the vibration of the room and

removing low vibration and and encourage positivity as you light your

sage or other cleansing herbs.

Tip 1: You may need to re-light the sage, cleansing herbs during the

ceremony, so it’s a good idea to keep a lighter or matches handy.

Tip 2: Use a smudging feather or your hand and continue to fan over

your sage bundle or other herbs to keep them burning.

Step 3: Purify Yourself First

Before cleansing your space, take a moment to purify yourself by

directing the smoke towards your body, starting at your feet and up to

your head and then back again. Opening doors and windows is

optional- a little goes a long way, opening doors and windows creates

air flow to move the smoke out.

You can use your hands or a feather to direct the smoke where you

want it to go (just be careful of your eyes and nose).

Tip: To get a nice stream of sage smoke going, blow lightly on the

burning sage. Keep your shell handy to collect any ash or falling sage


Step 4: Cleanse Your Home

Begin walking around your home with your sage or other cleansing

herbs, keeping your intention clearly set within your mind. Where

should you start?Some people recommend that you start in one room

of your home and work from corner to corner, room to room. You can

absolutely do that, but what I recommend is to let your intuition guide

you.This is a spiritual, intimate ceremony, so why not keep it that way?

Be sure to give attention to dark places such as corners, doorways, and

heavy traffic areas. Allow the the purifying smoke or spray to deeply

penetrate the energy. Sleep and work areas are also good areas to focus

on. But, mostly, let your intuition guide you through the smudging

ceremony. If you allow it, your intuition will let you know what areas of

your home need the most attention. Take as much time as you need.

Step 5: Ending the Sage Cleansing Ceremony

There are a couple of different ways to finish up. You should choose the

way that feels best for you.

Option 1

Once you have finished the sage cleansing (smudging), you can either

let the embers die out on their own or lightly rub them out in the

fire-proof bowl or shell. Let everything cool and throw it away. Some

people prefer to keep their smudges and reuse them at a later time.

Option 2

Rub out the embers or let them die out. Then, bury the sage or ashes to

signify the finality of the negative energies that lived in the space.

Imagine them being replanted into the earth and recharged into new,

positive energy!

Focus burning sage on gateway and high traffic areas

Be careful not to breathe in the smoke directly, and try not to fill the

area too thickly with smoke. Remember, this is not a fumigation, just

a cleansing. With Sage or any other cleansing herbs, a good tip to

remember is that a little goes a long way!

Slowly walk around the area and take the smoke to each spot you

would like to cleanse. Concentrate on gateway areas, such as

windows, doors, closets, and also hallways. Be sure to concentrate on

the corners of a room. Most importantly, use your intuition. If you

allow it, your space will usually inform you as to which areas need to

be cleansed the most. You may want to focus on particularly busy

areas, both in terms of foot traffic (kitchen) and mental energy

(computer workstation).

If you have a pet, be sure to sage them lightly (if they allow it), as well

as their sleeping area.

Try burning incense immediately after a cleansing session. Sage has a

more masculine/yang aspect and is nicely coupled by the

feminine/yin aspect of incense. Also, experiment with, white candle

burning, bell ringing or hand clapping in between smudging and

incense burning for a total cleansing effect.

If you can burn sage in your living space on at least as weekly basis,

then you are guaranteed to notice a lightness of energy and calmness

descend into your home from this practice. It can be an effective way

to cleanse the old energy from the previous week, and welcome in the

newly beginning week and all the possibilities it holds.

It’s a spiritual cleansing; an energetic cleansing. This is important to do

because negativity is everywhere. Home, work, on your phone,

computer (Fb, Instagram and Twitter for example) ...

Cleansing your home can:

● Allow those who live there to release the things that no longer

serve them.

● Make it easier to connect with your intuition, which is also great

for grounding!

● Release the negativity from your space! Raise the vibration of a


When to burn herbs/ Smudging - Smoke cleansing

-Natural incense

-Full Moon/New Moon

-Reset the mood

-Remove negative energy (Energy Reset)

-Cleanse person, place, object or space

-Moved into a new place

-After gatherings

-After arguments

-After spring cleansing - spring cleansing

-Increase positive energy

-Easy to grow

-When energy feels off

-Cleanse divination tools such as pendulum and tarot

-New years eve/ New years day

-After decluttering a space

-Cleanse crystals, used or broken items

-Easy to grow, harvest and bundle

-After stressful events

-Not limited to one type of sage or cleansing herb

(Not limited to one type of sage)

Types of sage include desert sage, black sage, blue sage , common

sage, royal sage, and mixed loaded sage with flowers and other

cleansing herbs.

*Finish your cleansing by lighting candles, sound cleansing, bell ringing,

burn incense, burn a second favored herb, hand clapping.

How to properly dry herbs

How to dry sage for smudging is very important. One main question

that i've received is " can I just place the sage in my oven for a few

minutes to dry it out ?" Even if you aren't using sage for smudging (

maybe, as a bug repellent for example?) placing sage in the microwave

or oven removes the essential oils needed...basically drying out the sage

to where it's nothing except a spice for cooking.The best way to dry

sage is to gather it together in a bundle, tie it together, and hang it in

your garage, closet or another cool dry place so it will dry evenly,

leaving Sage outdoors to dry, with humidity and even morning dew can

cause mold to grow, while the off and on moisture also leaves the sage

unable to dry out entirely. You want to aim for a crackly dry bundle of


What to do if you see mold in a DIY bundle?

If the mold was found in your DIY bundle, discard the sage bundle

entirely and try again with fresh sage.. It's not recommended or safe to

burn a bundle which has molded and its not fixable, However, it can be

preventable. If you've purchased sage from a store and notice the sage

smelling unusual, one good way to check is by cracking it open a little,

looking at the inside of the bundle, if you've noticed mold, contact the

store you've purchased your bundle from immediately , Most places will

offer a refund or a new bundle .. Simply because, it can happen


How to bundle herbs

Bundling sage is a quick and easy process, there's a few ways you can

burn sage for smudging. One way you can burn sage is by letting the

sage and other herbs or flowers dry out without bundling to use in an

incense burner or even sage sachets for your home, car or wherever

you may want to carry one, Bundling is the traditional way.

What you'll need? Newspaper, Sage, Flowers (optional), Essential Oils

(Optional) Twine, Other herbs such as Cedar for example (optional)

1. Lay out everything together that you want in your bundle onto your


2. Place your sage, flowers and other herbs all facing the same direction

(this part isn't entirely needed, though it looks much better this way)

2. Slowly start at the bottom wrapping the twine from the bottom up .

*NOTE* Do not wrap your Sage bundle too tight or you can risk

growing mold within the bundle (which ruins the bundle and the scent


3. After loosely wrapping your bundle, hang the bundle upside down to

dry in a cool dry place.

4. After between 3- 4 weeks your bundle should be dried entirely and

ready to use.

5.Take an additional line of twine and wrap over your initial twine to

tighten the bundle.

6. Get your abalone shell and feather, now you're ready to start

smudging with your bundle.

How to grow herbs

(Sage and Rosemary)

Growing White Sage Tips

White sage naturally grows in zone 8 to 9. This plant is hardy, prefers

less water and well draining soil. My personal advice when starting

seedlings is to use a mixture of sand and cactus soil, perlite. You can

grow white sage indoors if you live in an area with harsh winters. This

plant thrives both indoors and in a greenhouse environment. The

seedlings tend to do well with plant- pot transfers. White sage prefers

sandy soil, if you don’t have that in your area it’s easy to create the

perfect sandy soil mix!

Recommendations for growing white sage.

-White sage is a desert plant and requires full sun

-Be careful to not overwater -Excess moisture will kill white sage

-Zone 8-9 plant

-Transfer seedlings to a 10 gal pot for root growth.

-Use a mixture of sand, cactus soil, perlite and potting soil

-Germination rate is low- Use extra seeds

-Plant them about 1/4 inch deep in a light seedling mixture. Put two or

three seeds in each pot.

-Bring indoors during freezing weather/ use greenhouse.

-Transplant between 4” and 6” tall and make sure the soil temps are at

around 58 degrees (f)

-Avoid cutting wooden sprigs, cut leaves towards the top for harvest

Or cut the entire plant for bundling harvesting.

Growing rosemary tips

Ideally rosemary tends to grow best in 6,7 and 8 zones. I’m including

tips on how to grow rosemary because other cleansing herbs such as

white sage may be harder for beginners until you have the hang of it.

Rosemary is one the easiest known herbs to grow indoors and out.

Recommendations for growing rosemary

-Rosemary enjoy abundant sunlight- perfect herb garden herb or

indoor potted plant near a window

-Space rosemary 3-5ft apart

-Prefers rich soil such a houseplant potting soil mix

-Water whenever the soil is 1⁄2” deep dry.

-Avoid over-cutting this plant, use sharp garden shears, avoid

cutting more than 1⁄3 of the plant -per plant. This plant will

continue to grow and thrive while cutting/trimming for harvest.

Smokeless alternatives

Sage spray

Smokeless smudging/smoke cleansing sprays are a great alternative to

burning your favorite sacred plants to clear yourself, your space,

yourself or objects.. The sage, other herb sprays are simply fantastic for

places where the traditional burning of sage is not possible. Just spray

generously around the area you want to cleanse. Same results without

the smoke.

DIY Rosemary smokeless spray

-Glass bottle 2oz

-Rosemary Sprig

-Pink salt and black lava salt

-Distilled water

-Pure organic grade clear alcohol (Or use salts as an organic


-Rosemary essential oil (Or create your own oil which is my personal

preference) / OR boil the herbs in water before adding to your 2oz

spray bottle.

- Clear quartz or rose quartz pieces.

- Witch hazel

Mixed together thoroughly before use.

Simmer pots

Simmer pots are more commonly thought of as a nice way to fill the

house with scents of herbs, spices, fruits such as cinnamon, cloves,

apples, bay leaves and oranges.Spiritual Simmer pots allow you to fill

your space with both intention and terrific scents by using herbs such

as sage or rosemary, bay leaves to remove negative energy and

cinnamon and clove for prosperity similar to burning herbs for spiritual

uses or using herb/spice spray alternatives. To make a simmer pot

simply place a few ingredients (such a cinnamon, bay leaves, and cut

oranges) into a pot, fill the simmer pot 1⁄2 way with water, allow to

simmer on low heat - adding water periodically.

3 Spiritual Cleansing Simmer Pot mixes to try

Simmer pot Rose and Sage Simmer Pot ingredients:



jasmine leaves

Mugwort stems

Jasmine oil

Desert sage, blue sage, white sage

royal sage, black sage leaves only,

Bay leaves


Juniper sprigs

Dragons blood resin chunks, powder

Pine wood chips

Clary sage oil

Rosemary oil

rose oil

Simmer Pot Rosemary and Bay Leaves ingredients:


Bay leaves

Blue Vervain

Vanilla bean sprig

Cinnamon sticks

Orange slices

Junpier sprig




Black tea Leaves


Star Anise

Cinnamon and Orange oil

Myrrh Oil and Resin powder

Simmer pot Lemongrass and palo santo ingredients

Palo Santo chips


Lemon Grass

Orange slices




Black tea leaves

Bay Leaves

Lemon Peel

Lemon oil

Clary Sage oil

Juniper sprig

Peppermint leaf

Blue Vervain

Blue Sage

Frankincense resin, oil and powder

Spiritual baths and chakra balance herbs and crystals


You may want to consider having a weekly chakra bath ritual

meditation. This a great way to cleanse your aura and balance your

chakras (the major energy centers of your body). Chakra balancing

baths include soaking in water that's been vibrationally enhanced with

gemstones, essential oils and herbs can benefit your skin, remove

negative energy and create a calm atmosphere. Bath meditation, is as

simple as positive affirmations and focusing on your intentions, think

"bring in the positives and remove the negatives" for around 10 minutes

per bath or longer. There’s a few unique herbs and crystal

correspondences for each of the 7 main / most popular chakra areas of

the body.

1st Chakra: The Root Chakra

The root is associated with basic needs and survival, belonging, and tribe.

When imbalanced, you may experience insecurity, eating disorders (over- or

undereating), paranoia, aggression, depression, lethargy, negativity, cynicism,

greed, slipping back into “survival mode”—even when surrounded by


Focus: spine/glandular system

Unbalanced: low self-esteem, self-centered

Balanced: stabilizing, grounded

Color: red

Essential Oil: vetiver, cyprus, cedar wood

Crystals and Gems to use : ruby, black or white tourmaline, red garnet

Herbs to use: ginseng/dandelion root, Cedar, Desert Sage

2nd Chakra: The Sacral Chakra

Residing just above the abdominal area , the sacral chakra helps us to

connect to the physical world and enjoy its pleasures in all forms. This is the

center of creativity, self-love, and sensuality, and when out of balance, can

lead to greed, addiction, frustration, compulsion, sexual repression,

depression, self-deprivation, and apathy.

Focus: Lower abdominal area , fertility

Unbalanced: overly sensitive, emotionally unbalanced, disempowered

Balanced: creative, balanced emotions, sexual flow

Color: orange

Essential Oil: jasmine, ylang ylang, clary sage

Crystals and gems : orange carnelian, orange calcite, aragonite

Herbs to use: cinnamon bark, cloves, juniper

3rd Chakra: The Solar or Plexis Chakra

This energy center is all about action. Located just above your navel, this is

the power center, and when energy gets stuck here, people can experience

loss or abuse of their power. When in balance, you’ll feel a strong sense of

motivation and direction, and will have a greater ability to trust your “gut

feelings.” An imbalance here can lead to sarcasm, pessimism, subjectivity,

bossiness, overly analytical or dictatorial personality, abuse of authority,

abrasiveness, naïve passiveness, being wishy-washy, fatigue, becoming

oblivious, and feeling inferior.

Focus: adrenals/pancreas

Unbalanced: fearful, judgmental

Balanced: strengthens personal power, raises self-esteem

Color: yellow

Gemstones: pyrite, tiger's eye, citrine

Essential Oils: ginger, geranium, helichrysum

Herbs to use: ginger, blue sage (mint)

4th Chakra: The Heart Chakra

It’s where we hold the vibration of love, compassion, tenderness, patience,

connection, forgiveness, generosity, and kindness. This energy center is

located right in the center of your heart. When out of balance, we experience

the opposites of these vibrations, such as impatience, bitterness, resentment,

cruelty, loneliness and isolation, jealousy, possessiveness, and suspicion.

Focus: thymus

Unbalanced: possessive, fear of rejection

Balanced: love unconditionally, voice of the soul, compassion

Color: green, pink

Essential Oils: rose, melissa

Gemstones: rose quartz, jade, kunzite

Herbs to use: licorice, white sage with rose blend

5th Chakra: The Throat Chakra

Located in your throat, near that place where people sometimes feel a “lump

in their throat,” when they get choked up. While not directly adjacent to the

power center in your solar plexus, this is often where power is expressed.

Perhaps you’re beginning to see how these systems work together, and when

one area becomes imbalanced, it can lead to imbalances up the energy chain.

Through our speaking, by passing these vibrations through our throat

chakras, we are calling things into being. We are creating our world—so if our

sacral chakras are imbalanced and we’re creating with an over- or

underactive throat chakra, we can be manifesting exactly what we don’t


Focus: parathyroid or thyroid

Unbalanced: unreliable, self-righteous

Balanced: satisfied, content, in your truth

Color: blue

Essential Oils: lavender or geranium

Gemstones: turquoise, blue calcite, aquamarine

Herbs to use lemon with turmeric

6th Chakra: The Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is the center of intuition and intellectual enlightenment,

located right between your eyebrows. When in balance, you experience

peace regardless of the world around you. When imbalanced, people can

experience narrow-mindedness, self-absorption, lack of imagination,

insensitivity, headaches, a scattered mind, and impaired vision.

Focus: pituitary

Unbalanced: undisciplined, highly logical

Balanced: brings focus, intuition, centeredness

Color: indigo

Essential Oils: sandalwood, clary sage

crystals and gems: moonstone, sodalite, lapis lazuli

Herbs to use schizandra berry, jasmine

7th Chakra: The Crown Chakra

Once you’ve nurtured your other six chakras and the energy is flowing, you

are likely feeling a great sense of peace, purpose, and flow. The crown chakra

is located at the crown/top of your head, and is the center for your spiritual

awakening, wisdom, and enlightenment.

Focus: pineal

Unbalanced: constantly exhausted, depressed

Balanced: soothes restless mind, higher awareness, prayerful

Color: violet

Essential Oils: frankincense, chamomile

crystals and gems amethyst, lepidolite, sugilite

Herbs to use: astragalus root, lavender

1. For beginners, try focusing on one specific chakra at a time.

2. Add your desired water temperature to your bath while slowly

Adding in your healing elements. These can include essential oils, herbs,

crystals, or items of the same color associated with the chakra. Add 1

cup of organic Himalayan or Epsom salts to help you relax and support


3.If you are adding oils to your bath, add 8 to 10 drops of the essential

oils. Be careful, oils can make the bath slippery!

4.If you want to add flowers and herbs, Try an organic bath mix with

added herbs or add in your organic herbs, flowers directly.

5. Create a calm atmosphere. Color can influence mood so consider

dimming the lights to help influence the mood. Candles are great

additions to add a calming ambiance chakra bath time too, and playing

sound cleansing music can help cleanse your sacred space and high

vibrational music is another great music alternative.

6. Meditate. Focus on the chakra. Visualize where it’s located within

your own body. See if you can sense it. Bathe it, not only in water and

sound, but also your own loving, nurturing energy. Soak for about 10-20

minutes, Feel good about allowing yourself to take this special time just

for you.Make an intention to let go of all negativity.

7. When complete, do not rinse off the minerals from the salt bath,

instead pat dry skin.Take as much time as you need. But when you are

finished, try to take your time while drying off and resuming your day

or evening.Enjoy feeling lighter and more vibrant.

*TIP Take a chakra bath once a week.

I hope you enjoyed my 101 guide on smudging/ smoke cleansing tips and

spiritual meanings update. Be sure to remember that when you’re new to smoke

cleansing, you should always go at your own pace. Discovering your

spirituality can be a lifelong journey.There are no right or wrong ways to

discover, inspire or grow spirituality or live a spiritual life.Spirituality

is very personal. Your spirituality is whatever you believe it to be.

Staying in the present can inspire your spiritual side just by recognizing

where you are currently on your own journey.

- Mandy Jane is a website that gives you all the information you need about sage

and its spiritual and scientific purposes, as well as other natural and holistic alternative

approaches as well as personal experiences with our personal spiritual journey! . We also

do sell fresh, organic respectfully harvested homegrown sage bundles, handmade sprays,

organic bath sets, bath fizzers woodburned art and much more. Visit our website to learn

more about sage, its properties, and its benefits.

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