Ways to Cleanse and Protect Your Energy
Protecting your energy is very important and it's not only about protecting your physical energy. Protecting and cleansing your energy...
Smudge Sticks: 10 Must try Herb Bundles and Wands
There's many types of cleansing herbs from many different cultural variations. For centuries Herbs have been used in the Middle East, Far...
Drawn to Chakra Balancing Baths and Ritual Meditation
Chakra Balancing Baths are a great way to explore the energy centers within you and strengthen your mind-body-spirit connection and...
Learning Tarot Part 2. Tarot Cleansing Guide
Cleansing your tarot deck can be as simple as grounding to clear the deck. Before each reading, i always cleanse my deck of cards with...
Raise Your Vibration. A Quick an Easy Beginners guide to Raising your Vibration.
Everything in the world today is made up of energy. According to the spiritual law of energy, like energy attracts like energy. High or...
Burning Palo Santo (Sacred Wood) Palo Santo Uses and Benefits
Every country has its botanical treasures, the greatest of which are so important to the society that they become pillars of the culture....
A Guide to Black Sage, Uses and Benefits.
Once upon a time, people from almost every part of the world used to smudge herbs and sticks for cleansing and healing purposes. Today,...
How to Purify Your Home With Sage (Extended)
Sage cleansing is simple once you know how to do it. It may seem as though cleansing with herbs (or smudging, as it is often called by...
Using Sage Smudging Spray as an Alternative to Traditional burning methods.
Traditionally, burning sage has ruled the ritual world for centuries but as modernity kicks in, smudge sprays become a preferred method...
Grounding 🍃 Tips and Facts
Spiritual grounding іѕ vеrу іmроrtаnt fоr еvеrуоnе, but еѕресіаllу critical if you have been doing spiritual development or psychic...